Young Adult Survey


2024 YAS Survey Results

SAFE is asking Chesterfield County residents aged 16 to 25, to share their opinions about alcohol, prescription drug misuse, marijuana use, and heroin use by completing the English or Spanish 2024 Young Adult Survey. SAFE is working to decrease alcohol and drug impaired driving related crashes under our DMV, Virginia Highway Safety Office grant and we will use survey results to evaluate the “Lose” mass and social media campaigns’ effectiveness. This survey will end on September 20th, 2024.
The 2023 survey ran from mid-September to mid-October 2023, and we received 142 complete English and 35 complete Spanish responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! (Please note due to delays in grant approval, the shortened distribution timeframe resulted in a lower response collection compared to 2022.)

2022 English YAS Results

2022 Spanish YAS Results