Who We Are

When a community discovers its values, there is nothing it cannot change.

Substance abuse is a challenge to the health and well-being of our young people and our community. SAFE’s mission is to engage our community in working together to prevent substance abuse.

Substance Abuse Free Environment Inc. (SAFE) has been serving Chesterfield County, Virginia, a suburban/rural county of 387,000 residents south of the City of Richmond, since 1999. SAFE utilizes awareness and education, community partnerships, youth leadership and advocacy to address substance abuse issues. The coalition works to create community-level change in behaviors and attitudes relating to substance abuse.

SAFE develops its initiatives based on community issues identified through surveys of youths and parents, statistical data such as juvenile alcohol and drug-related arrests, and community input.

SAFE received a prestigious national Got Outcomes! Milestone Award from the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America for its successful reduction of substance abuse among Chesterfield teens.

Click to view SAFE’s 2022 Annual Report

Click here to view our 2022 Annual Report 

Click here to view our 2021 Annual Report

Click here to view our 2020 Annual Report 

SAFE’s 2022-2023 Audit

SAFE’s 2020-2021 Audit