Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

Substance Abuse Free Environment Inc. (SAFE), a community coalition serving Chesterfield County, receives grant funding from the Virginia Highway Safety Office to reduce drug and alcohol related crashes among 16-25 year olds in Chesterfield County. According to the DMV, Virginia’s Highway Safety Office, there were 222 alcohol-related injuries and 46 alcohol-related fatalities in Chesterfield County from 2018 to 2022, including 55 alcohol-related injuries and 7 alcohol-related fatalities of which involving 16-25 year olds. SAFE has been awarded a highway safety grant through Virginia’s Highway Safety Office since the fiscal year 2016. The grant has and will support efforts to reduce alcohol-related crashes in Chesterfield County.

SAFE Drug Impaired Driving Work Group

The DID Work Group of Substance Abuse Free Environment (SAFE) is making a difference in Chesterfield County by educating their peers and adults in our communities about the risks of drug and alcohol impaired driving.

If you are not yet a member of SAFE’s DID Work Group and would like to be, please call or text 804-930-4713 or email [email protected].

New SAFE DID Education Resources!

SAFE conducted a focus group with Chesterfield students to gain insight on behaviors and perspectives of impaired driving in Chesterfield County. In partnership with a graphic designer, two new originally designed brochures were created to educate Chesterfield youth and parents on the dangers, consequences, and prevalence of alcohol and drug impaired driving. Check out the new brochures below, and reach out to us if you are interested in obtaining copies!

SAFE DID Brochure 2023 final

SAFE DID Local Data Brochure 2023 final

New Media Campaign!

In 2022, SAFE conducted a focus group session consisting of males between the ages of 16-29 years old who had previous experience with substance abuse and were part of a behavioral skills building group. Following the contributions from this focus group, SAFE worked with GMMB to create a new PSA, focusing on the participants’ thoughts regarding preventing drug-impaired driving and substance abuse. GMMB created the new “Lose” PSA in English and Spanish, both timed at 0:15 and 0:30. The 2023-2024 DMV grant cycle is SAFE’s second year running this PSA campaign. The PSA can be viewed at the below link.


Drunk or High? Don’t Drive! 

Local DUI Data

Chesterfield County DUID/Arrest Data

SAFE coordinated with CCPD to obtain local drug impaired driving arrest and crash data.

From October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, a total of 1,162 DUI arrests were collected. The highest months were: November and December with 111 each month, October with 109, February with 108, and June with 104. Note, these data numbers account for all ages. Of the 1,162 arrests, a total of 76 female 16-29 year old DUI arrests were conducted, with the following subsets included: 28 Black, 11 Hispanic, and 37 White. In addition, a total of 332 male 16-29 year old DUI arrests were conducted, with the following subsets included: 66 Black, 191 Hispanic, and 75 White.

In comparison, from October 2021 to September 2022, a total of 1,302 DUI arrests accounted for. Of these, the highest months were: February with 135, May with 132, October with 118, September with 116, and April with 115. Of the 1,302 total arrests, a total of 102 female 16-29 year old arrests were conducted, with the following subsets included: 38 Black, 25 Hispanic, 39 White. In addition, a total of 359 male 16-29 year old arrests were conducted in the same timeframe, with the following subsets included: 78 Black, 185 Hispanic, 96 White.

This data shows a total 25.49% decrease in female and 7.52% decrease in male 16-29 year old DUI arrests. Additionally, there was a 18.97% decrease in African American, 3.81% decrease in Hispanic, and 17.04% decrease in White 16-29 year old DUI arrests. 

SAFE’s “Before You Take It To-Go, Here Are Some Things You Should Know” Brochure

EBI brochure English 2024 final

SAFE has partnered with Chesterfield County Community Department to host an Establishment Brochure Initiative. in which an alcohol-impaired driving prevention brochure titled, “Before You Take It To-Go, Here Are Some Things You Should Know” was distributed to local establishments in Chesterfield County to include in their take-out orders. This brochure (printed in both English and Spanish) includes information about alcohol-impaired driving laws, and consequences one would face if choosing to drive while impaired. A total of 100 English establishments accepted the brochures, distributing a total of 10,000 English brochures. In addition, 30 Spanish-speaking establishments accepted the brochures, distributing a total of 6,000 brochures. 

SAFE Teen Resources

DMV data in Chesterfield County shows there were 306 alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2020, 332 in 2021, and 329 in 2022. Of these crashes,16-25 year olds contributed to 106 (35%) of crashes in 2020, 110 (33%) crashes in 2021, and 131 (40%) crashes in 2022. 

Local DUI arrest data among all ages shows a total of 1,171 arrests in 2021, 1,301 arrests in 2022, and a total of 1,058 in 2023. Among this data, the following arrests were made for 16-25 year olds, 239 (or 20%) in 2021, 292 (or 22%) in 2022, and 210 (or 20%) in 2023.

Driving Under The Influence

Marijuana Effects on Driving

Designate Before You Celebrate

Who’s Your Driver?

What’s Your Gameplan?

Buckle Up Phone Down

Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD)

Virginia Cannabis Control Authority



We Save Lives

Andrew McMorris Foundation

Traffic Safety Marketing (TSM)

Youth of Virginia Speak Out (YOVASO)

Drive Smart Virginia

Drive Safe Hampton Roads

Virginia Driver Education and Traffic Safety (VADETS)

Partners for Safe Teen Driving

CarSafetyNow.org -Teen and Young Driver Safety

SAFE DMV Young Adult Survey

SAFE is conducting the 2024 Young Adult Survey to collect data on the behavior, opinions and perceptions of substance use of 16-25 year olds in Chesterfield County. You can learn more under the “How We Know” -> “Young Adult Survey” tab!