Woman giving presentation | Chesterfield SAFE
Group of young students | Chesterfield SAFE

What We Do

Develop community partnerships to expand substance abuse prevention efforts across all sectors of the community.

Advocate for laws and policies that reduce substance abuse and secure funding for proven, effective prevention initiatives.

Increase awareness of substance abuse issues and strengthen community norms that support substance-free living.

Involve youth in leadership roles to inspire their peers, adults, and community leaders to value substance-free living.

The coalition focuses on community-wide initiatives to prevent substance abuse rather than on programs or activities that target individuals or small groups.

Young boys playing | Chesterfield SAFE

Some of Our Major Activities Have Included

Youth Coalition: High school volunteers representing Chesterfield County and SAFE, educating themselves and their peers on substance abuse prevention, creating social media content, and participating in compliance checks.

Teen Leadership: Developing teen leaders by involving them in underage compliance checks, where teens act as buyers.

Use, You Lose: Highlighting the consequences of substance abuse and emphasizing the importance of understanding these outcomes early. Aimed at reaching children from kindergarten through grade 12 and their parents.

Group of teens | Chesterfield SAFE

Underage Drinking Prevention: Alcohol use is the most widespread issue affecting Chesterfield youth. Our prevention efforts have included:

  • Teach-ins led by the chief of police.

  • Radio ads recorded by teens.

  • Ongoing compliance checks.

  • Partnerships with complying alcohol retailers.

  • Promoting safe and sober high school graduations.

Stay SAFE Presentation: Educating 6th-grade students about the dangers of substance use, strengthening their decision-making skills, and helping them identify trusted adults.